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An excerpt from an ongoing thesis work by Rahul Parameswar KP

Situated in Thiruvananthapuram, the Balaramapuram handloom weavers have 360 years of experience in weaving and they are traditional weavers. The weaving skill is being transformed from their older generations to them. The main income source of 90% of residents directly depend upon handloom weaving and the remainder do works related to weaving such as bleaching, sizing, warping, etc. They consider it as their traditional occupation.

Handloom sector was a major traditional industry but now it is on the edge of extinction mainly due to the invasion of power looms. The problems faced by the handloom industry affect the life of the weavers. They face various socio-economic as well as physical problems and challenges. The weavers get wages and bonuses on time but it is not sufficient for their economic sustenance. The male members in the family are not only involved in weaving, but also seek other  jobs for additional  income. The study reveals that most families are not entirely dependent on the handloom but a small proportion of people are still completely dependent on the handloom industry. This short film intends to capture the legacy and the struggles of the Balaramapuram weavers.

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